Portfolio Valuation

Our portfolio valuation service provides clients with professional and accurate assessments of your investment portfolios.

Your Portfolio Valuation

Whether you are individual investors, financial institutions, or a wealth management firm, our service offers the expertise and insights needed to determine the value and performance of your investment holdings.

Our team of Registered Valuers conducts thorough assessments of your investment portfolio, ensuring that you receive accurate and up-to-date valuations. This enables you to make informed decisions regarding your investments and financial planning. 

The Assessment

By analysing factors such as asset allocation, diversification, and market fluctuations, we help you identify and manage potential risks effectively.

Armed with accurate valuations and risk assessments, you can optimise your investment strategy to meet your financial goals.

Whether you are looking for capital growth or income generation, we can help you determine and identify your requirements.

Our service further helps clients identify underperforming assets, rebalance their portfolios, and explore new investment opportunities.


We help you understand the implications of your portfolios and guide you toward better investment decisions.


Survey Services

An home survey will provide you with a clear understanding of the property’s condition.

Valuation Services

We provide a valuation service that gives our clients confidence they have the full picture.

Commercial Services

We offer a reliable and comprehensive service across all sectors of the commercial markets.

RICS Home Surveys

If you’re considering purchasing a new property, at Watsons we always recommend commissioning your own independent home survey, which will provide you with a clear understanding of the property’s condition.

By having a professional inspection completed, you’re essentially avoiding any additional costs, stress and hassle further down the line, as the survey can help you avoid surprise additional costs for repairs.

We are experts in all aspects of property ownership and tenancy in both the residential and commercial markets. We offering a wide range of surveys and competitive valuations.


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Our Offices Will Be Closed Over the Festive Period From the 25th December 2024 - 2nd January 2025​

For out of hours contact/emergencies please see information below:

  • For Tenants/Landlords – Please call our main lettings number – 01603 751555 – and follow the instructions. These instructions will provide you with an out of hours contact number, plus the number of an emergency plumber.
  • For Leaseholders – Please call our main Block & Estate Management number – 01603 226500 – and follow the prompts. Listed are numbers for various contractors, depending on the type of emergency.

From all of us at Watsons, - Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!​